Mindset is not a magical formula that solves all problems..


Rather.. our Mindset influences what we NOTICE and the LOGIC we form (about things happening within ourselves and the world around us).


This noticing and logic translates into micro-actions that fuel behaviors and outcomes.


Many moments where I have seen people transcend into new levels of clarity and behaviors have come from a brief moment in time. These moments were about an expansion of their awareness as to why they felt or behaved the way they did. They NOTICED something new - a new connection, memory, perspective.. and this updated their LOGIC about why things were the way they were.

Many of these experiences were also captured by brainwave data that reflected gamma brain waves –

these are brainwaves known to be associated with a simultaneous firing of many different networks, all at once, and potentially also the connection of networks that have not been connected before.


I created this booklet as a way to help people understand some of the neuroscience behind the importance of paradigms and mindsets. We will explore how these affect our awareness and behaviors, and then I share an exercise I have used and have taught others to use help spark instant ‘aha moments’ in others that help them connect new dots and insights for making positive change in their life.


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