Do you see other people who seem to be so clear about what they are doing that you feel a bit envious?
Do you feel like you're not even exactly sure what you really want?
Are you yearning for a feeling of confidently directing your energy and seeing it move a needle in your life?
If your answer to any of those questions is yes, here's what is likely happening:
You are not paying enough attention to your feelings of clarity when you have them.
Here's a quick experiment to illustrate this:
Look around the room you are in right now and find as many things as you can that are blue.
(seriously do this).
Take about 10 seconds to do this and count how many things you see that are blue.
Got that number?
Keep it in your mind.
Think about that number.
Now, without looking around the room - keeping your eyes on this screen...
with the same amount of certainty..
Tell me how many things in the room are yellow.
Is that easy?
Most people (who have never seen that trick before) will find it much more difficult to say how many things in the room are yellow.
This is because of systems in the brain related to our attentional mechanisms, conscious workspace and the reticular activating formation.
Your mind seeks out what you tell it to look for.
You must set an intention to FEEL clarity.
But here's the thing that is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT that many people leave out:
That intention must include a VISCERAL, SENSORY MOTOR SIMULATION of what clarity sounds like as it comes through your voice, as the feeling of how your fingers type of a keyboard or write with a pen. With how the muscles of your eyeballs move.
What does this have to do with clarity?
As you go about your day, your week, your month,
what are you generally 'on the lookout' for? Are you noticing a lot of things you don't like?
Or are you not noticing anything particular at all?
Either way - the only way to get in touch with Clarity:
You need to pay attention to the moments where you feel decisive, bold, focused.
This doesn’t mean there is no place for Uncertainty!
That place is where we can open up and surrender to infinite possibilities.
But when we want to move the needle in some area life, our physical body MUST do something that can be observed and detected in the physical realm.
This means you need to take action.
Action requires action-sequences of muscles and bones.
The more those action sequences drive towards a focused, clear path, vision or goal, the more data you have to validate and experiment with. The only way you can refine and adjust in order to move more and more into your desired zones of fulfillment and satisfaction is to get more data.
Here’s one task you can experiment with this week.
Notice when you make a clear decision about something. It can be anything from choosing something on a menu, purchasing something, choosing an activity, saying yes or no to something (even saying maybe can come from a place of clarity when you know you don’t want to give a solid answer yet).
Just notice when your choice feels CLEAR. How does it feel in your body? What does your voice sound like, how does your face, hands, mouth move as you make that choice?
Keep noticing that feeling.
Because every single one of those moments you notice creates a bridge between what happens in your body and the consciously accessible systems of your brain.
The more you build that bridge, the stronger your awareness of Clarity becomes.
This trains your brain-body to be more in tune with what kinds of movements, actions and information will give you more of that feeling of Clarity.
This is the type of Clarity I would love to help more people tap into. It's why I'm holding the Neuroscience for Coaching, Teaching and Leadership Clarity workshop tomorrow!
The feedback from the last one was amazing.. I'm so excited to share this content again.
(if you can't attend, you'll get the recording AND a Monthly Neuro Clarity Planner with a few types of unique reflections, including ideas about how to access states of Focus, Release and Expansion, Somatic and Verbal Reflections to help you clarify your desires and voice for sharing your wisdom.)
Learn more and save your seat (or get the recording and planner)...