When uncertainty and insecurity increase, these are signs that things we have turned to for stability are ending. This may seem like everything is crashing and collapsing around us.
When a point comes where all previous possibilities are no longer possible, we are at a point where all NEW possibilities are now possible. New trajectories are being birthed as old ones die.
In fact, quantum physics calls this the Uncertainty Principle. When we know where something is, we can't know its trajectory. We have all had something we have turned to for stability. But having that perception of stability may have kept us from knowing a higher trajectory, higher potential that is possible for us.
If there was ever a time to start letting go of things that aren't serving you, opening up to deeper connections and building relationships, taking steps to create something new with less, exploring new ways of earning an income or using your days to leave your legacy, now is that time.
In this video, I share a three step process to build new neural circuits that can help us override our fear of doing new and challenging things.
Thank you, Shawn!!
You have so many tweetable quotes here! Brilliant! Nice work!🤩