As humans, we are not born with self-regulation capacities. These develop over time, primarily in the context of our early relationships and interactions.
Self-regulation is our ability to regulate what's going on inside us in response to our environment, thoughts and feelings. It's about attuning and flexibly responding to the sensations and fluctuations occurring within us.
Another term related to our emotion regulation is co-regulation. This is the process where we use relationships and social interactions to help us regulate our emotions.
The mini-book and mini-course will help you understand the importance of self-regulation, co-regulation, and super-regulation, and will give you specific strategies we can use to improve these abilities.
A Super-Regulator is someone who has learned the skills of:
- Self-Regulation: they use their mind and body to access a sense of inner well-being, growth and evolution
- Co-Regulation: they use relationships to access a sense of well-being, growth and evolution
- Super-Regulation: they serve as a unique member of the species who helps other humans learn to self-regulate, co-regulate and access a higher awareness of their own possibility for well-being, growth and evolution
Emotion regulation doesn't mean being calm and collected all the time.
It's about range and repertoire, and an ability to intentionally shift into a state we prefer. A state that 'feels better'.
Emotion regulation is one of the most important skills we can learn in this lifetime.
Today- this year- it is more important than ever to get better at regulating our emotions and nervous systems.

#1: Get your FREE Super-Regulators Mini Book
Enter your email below and get your FREE Super-Regulators Mini Book as an instant download (you'll also get 2 bonus books to help build Growth Mindset and Resilience)
#2: Grab your Super-Regulators Toolkit
Immerse yourself in the Science of Self-Regulation so you can get better at navigating your emotions and help others do the same. The Super-Regulators Toolkit includes the Super-Regulators Audio Book, short videos to accompany each skill (Self-Regulation, Co-Regulation and Super-Regulation), reflection worksheets and a bonus Mastery Class for Super-Regulators.Â
#3: Join a LIVE webinar
Clarify your mission and path, and how to devote your energy wisely and efficiently to maximize your impact.
Feeling stagnant, or spread in to many directions in your coaching, teaching or leadership? Discover BRAIN SCIENCE that will give you clarity about how and where to spend your energy for maximum impact…
#4: You can also listen to podcast episodes related to emotion regulation here:
Podcast: Self-Regulation - the remarkable skill that will make you a better human
Mini Podcast: Emotion Regulation Doesn't Mean Being Calm & Collected All the Time
Podcast: The Neuroscience of Attachment and Emotion Regulation