"You could say paradigms are harder to change than anything else about a system [...] But there's nothing necessarily physical or expensive or even slow in the process of paradigm change. In a single individual it can happen in a millisecond. All it takes is a click in the mind, a falling of scales from eyes, a new way of seeing..."
-Donella Meadows, Leverage Points to Change
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Mindsets have the power to transform behaviors, trajectories and entire systems.
A paradigm, or mindset, is a way of looking at the world and ourselves. It is a way of seeing. When we change how we see a person, a reaction, a behavior, we update our repertoire of responses. Seeing a person or situation in an expanded light, where we entertain the possibility of other possibilities means we are being cognitively flexible.
Cognitive or mental flexibility is a highly significant factor in mental health, resilience and ability to cope with life’s stressors.
The next few gifts I’ll be sending over the coming weeks will return to the basics of my work -mahatma got it all started. And that was the idea of mindset, and our belief in our ability to change. To change our brains, our perceptions, our internal experiences and our life trajectories.
Here are a couple of key documents/sites that talk about the power of mindset.
Donella Meadows, Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System
Compendium of Studies that Measures Student Mindsets
In today’s newsletter for subscribers, I included a handout I created many years ago for some of my first workshops for schools, parents, hospitals and world-renowned organizations. It’s simplistic and I would likely make some updates to it today, but I thought I’d keep it as it was because it still remains relevant to all the work I do today.
Language matters a lot when it comes to mindset.
I cover this in depth in my book, but I also have a couple of videos that touch on this topic. One of them is last week’s video on words we were surrounded by during childhood.
The words we heard growing up play a MASSIVE role in our current mindset about how much potential we have to change and improve situations.
I also talk about the use of certain types of language related to timelines and significance can lead to extreme emotional highs and lows in this video.
Get the Growth Mindset Goal-Setting Booklet and today's one-page handout on 4 steps to build growth mindset!
In two weeks, I’ll be sending subscribers the Growth Mindset Goal-Setting Booklet that goes further into each of these steps and offers multiple resources and research papers. If you'd like to receive that booklet and today's handout, please subscribe - you'll receive a link for both handouts in 2 weeks!
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Videos every other week!
I’ve decided to change the rhythm for my content, as I’d like to spend longer on a once-to before adding another. I’m therefore going to post a new video every other week, and in the in-between weeks, I’ll send some material about a concept that I’ve already covered in a pervious podcast, video or post.
I will post short 60 second videos on my Youtube channel on the weeks where I don't post the full-lengthe ones - so if you'd like to get those, subscribe to my youtube channel! (youtube.com/c/stefaniefaye)
Coming up in next week’s video… how to not take things too personally.. and look at stimulus and response.
Neuroscience November Workshop!
The next seminar is going to be an important one! All about emotional regulation and navigating through challenging feelings.
We’ll be talking about emotions vs feelings, and how other systems also play a role, including fear, cognitive distortions, attachment and even the gut-brain axis and microbiomes. You'll receive an audio recording of the workshop as well as handouts and notes.
Some people missed the first one but want to sign up for the remaining 8. If that’s you, please use this link to get a 15% discount!
If you’d like to register for just the November one (each seminar is $55), go this this page and sign up using the booking buttons!
November 7, 2023 at 7:30-8:45 PM PST.
“Anyone interested in self-development or gaining a profound insight into human behaviour should be undertaking this line of study with Stefanie. Stefanie brings a depth of research and personal knowledge into her work.”
- M. Shellshear, October 2023 workshop participant