- Kimberly, Podcast Subscriber
Get science-based insights on how to: cultivate growth mindset, avoid the dangers of the 'mindset hype', and how to foster psychological safety as a foundation for learning, creativity and innovation.
Her words have helped me personally heal from deep-seated wounds I didn't know I had, and given me a clearer direction for where I want to go next.
I will be sharing this podcast far and wide. - Elijah Eiler, Chicago IL"
I greatly appreciate your emphasis on intentionality and feedback,
and making sure Growth Mindset is not just teaching the concept
but actually changing the way we talk about progress and learning."
Did you know that if you condensed all of the matter of the universe, it would fill less than a teacup?
The deeper into matter we go, the more space we find.
That means even you.
Your body is a blob of light-filled energy.
Because you consist of electrons (among other things), you are more of blinking, twinkling cloud of energy particles.
And you’re connected by strings and waves of energy to absolutely everything in existence.
You are connected to everyone and everything.
Your thoughts and your movements - even the tiniest ones - send out ripples of energy waves, affecting the field around you.
You don’t perceive it that way, because your five senses have to blur out and dull most of the energy and information that’s around you in order to make sense of your physical terrain.
But in the deepest, truest reality, there is no such thing as separateness.
This means that the thoughts you think, and the movements you make affect the interconnected, subatomic field of energy we all share.
If we all understood this, would we be more careful with the thoughts we send out to the collective field?
There are people who are resistant to science because they believe it will lead us to be disconnected or cold to the ideas of connection and love.
(I’ve even had someone apologize to the audience before introducing me because I would be talking about science!)
What they have usually experienced is a form of science that has been dominant for a long time.
That science promoted that if we can’t use our five senses to detect it, we are not allowed to explore it.
This idea was also reflected in the division of ‘expertise’:
religion stuck with the domain of the non-physical, science had to stick to their corner.
We are no longer in that era.
The greatest thinkers of our time would disagree with any scientist who says that science should stick to only studying the physical..
As Nikola Tesla put it:
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
Our physical senses deceive us.
We are all connected.
Whether we use science to explain it or any other means, the knowledge is out there to help us all return to a shared truth.
Exciting times.
Pass it on
p.s - NEW! I'm on Instagram!
Posting on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.
I have watched this every week and it has pushed me
to code and develop my first computer game.
If it wasn't for your advice, I may have not have had the belief
that I could use a Growth Mindset to my advantage. Thank you again."
Mindset Neuroscience Videos
"Your content motivates not only my students, but also me.
I have just started to prepare for the GRE after getting inspiration
from your articles and videos."
- Gunel Bakhshaliyeva, Azerbaijan
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