The ability to learn IS the Super Power of the Human Species.
"Paradigm: the mindset out of which the system - its goals, structures, rules, delays and parameters - arises."
- Donella Meadows, Thinking in Systems
In her systems thinking theory, Donella Meadows lists Paradigm as the second most Powerful Leverage Point to Change (transcending paradigms is the most powerful.. I’ll get to that one again in a future post).
It’s important for us to know that we are operating within certain mindsets or paradigms. They influence the parameters and logic models our mind-brain-body uses to create algorithms, predictions and behaviors.
one of the most powerful, neuroscience-informed mindsets we can have...
is the belief that evolution and growth are possible. Not perfection, and not being at the pinnacle already.. but the belief that we can be in a place of undesirable, even unhealthy results.. and slowly and incrementally, with struggle and effort, grow and adapt and evolve... and make our way out of the messes we've made 🙂
Learn why the "Mind-Body Set" is a more evolved way to understand human behavior and learning.
Systems Thinking Resources website - Donella Meadows
Explore her Leverage Points to Change and why mindset is just underneath Transcending Mindsets
Santa Fe Institute - Complex Adaptive Systems Science :
"Drawing on fields as diverse as physics, chemistry, biology, information processing, economics, political science and every other aspect of human affairs, the [Santa Fe] Institute endeavors to see the world as it is, a complex non-linear web of incentives and constraints and connections." — ValueWalk
Mindset Neuroscience Podcast Season 1 Episode 1: the Neuroscience of Growth Mindset
Planet earth is not hospitable to humans. Find out why this matters in terms of human intelligence and our learning superpowers. You'll also learn why fixed mindset is neurologically inaccurate.
Teach and Learn Better with a Neuroplasticity Super-Protocol -
Dr. Andrew Huberman's overview of neuroplasticity and learning with behavioral tools so you can learn more efficiently
PLUS my new video!
How to slow down anxious thinking using neuroscience
This is a slightly different version of a video I posted last year about anxiety 🙂
It has some insights into what technology does to your brainwaves. I also go into the power of stillness and how meditation influences brain activity.