Thought I was figuring stuff out... realizing I have sooo much work still to do.
Hoping that being near family for a couple months and helping out my mom will help me in my own process of healing as well. The configurations of my life are not yet conducive to my best functioning. Hope to figure more of that out as I make this transition.
This feels like a pretty tough phase that will require me to reflect more deeply on my own patterns that are not yet where I want them to be.
Have possessions down to a couple suitcases and some boxes of books, giving away the rest.
If I don't post for a while, know that it is my way of trying to learn how to be better. Never giving up on that process. I hope to send another newsletter before the year's end, but I need to prioritize this internal processing and major life transition, so we will see.
With Love,
... not giving up. Need inner work to figure out how to show up how I want to, and how it's most needed.
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